How To Recycle ABC Beverage Containers at Restaurants/Bars

Step 1: Who is Going to Haul your Recyclables?

Determine who will haul? If you want, you can have someone at your establishment haul the recyclables to a County Recycling Center, or; Contact companies that will provide collection service for glass, aluminum and plastic bottles.
Start with your existing waste/recycling service provider
It is important to get quotes from several different haulers/recyclers to ensure your are getting the best rate.
The County’s website provides a list of recycling service providers:

Step 2: Recycling System Mechanics

Meet with the ABC Recycling Hauler at your business to review the logistics of your program
Where will the collected ABC Recyclables be collected?
How often will you need pick up?
Does your businesses location pose a problem for collection? (alleyways, restricted storage space, etc.)
Determine the recycling options
Does the hauler require you to keep bottles/cans separate from other recyclables or is Single Stream
 recycling an option?
How will you collect/store bottles/cans inside the building? How will the bottles/cans be 
transported to the outside collection bins?

Important Considerations

How will you Prevent Contamination?
  •  Make sure that only recyclables are being put into the recycling container!


  • Contaminants can cause a recycling load to be rejected, which could cost you money.


  • Common Contaminants: Food Waste, Utensils (metal and plastic), Styrofoam, Straws, Napkins and Paper Towels, Aluminum Foil, Plastic Wrap, Plastic Cups, Food Wrappers.

What size collection bins work best within the layout (and available space) of your business?


What size collection bins can your staff lift?

Assume 2.5 - 3 lbs. per gallon size container

20 gallons = 50-60 lbs.
35 gallons = 88-105 lbs.
65 gallons = 163-195 lbs.

Step 3: Train/Educate Employees

A recycling program works best if it becomes part of the culture of the workplace
Train employees in how to use the recycling system
Review the established recycling system at regular intervals with all staff.
Establish program to train all new employees
Incorporate the duties and activities associated with the recycling program within existing procedures and checklists.

Step 4: Review and Revise the Program 

Recycling programs must be continually monitored to ensure they are operating correctly
Pay close attention for any signs of contamination
Ask your recycling hauler if they have noticed any contamination issues or encountered other issues with your recycling.
Encourage employees to notify managers if they see a problem or if they have suggestions on how the recycling program can be improved.
See Recyclable Items

For additional information, visit